Friday, January 31, 2014

Et Quaerite Purificatio

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark."~Dante Alighieri

This is the path of the ascent of flames. As we walk this intense road, we find ourselves enflamed, and through this, ignited on our path more vehemently than if the flame never existed. It is wise to keep this in mind because there are those that tread this path that are going through the motions as if on autopilot, and because of this, we can never safely assume that another is enflamed as we are.

However, besides the internal flame there are the flames that we find ourselves surrounded by, and these flames are the ones of purification. That is one of the things that separates this path from many others. True, other paths have flames of purification, but they pale in comparison to what is found here. I know this from my own personal experience. Geburic in nature, these flames burn away the dross and iniquities and leave us with the distilled essence of the self and it's ego. It can be a very humbling path, and through this humility we may find inner strength on a level that has not been seen before.

How do we identify these flames? The answer to this is simple metaphysics. Whatever it is that gets our emotions riled up could be considered a flame. For example, when we actively move forward on this path, we may find that a long standing issue or situation comes back in full force. When we control our emotions, we discover that what is really occurring is that now we are in a position to do something about it in a way that we weren't ready for previously. We find that we are stripped of things that are superfluous, and really that act against us, for they divide our energies, or alternatively could be seen as kinks in our spiritual armor.

During this time, I encourage everyone to count their flames, and to assess their situation. Where are we in most need of purification? Yes, we can guide these flames, and thus do something about the situations before they become inflamed. When we learn how to spot the spark, we can gain better control over the ascent of our path. Why should we even consider this? Well, Lucifer's kingdom is the kingdom of flames, and because of this when we choose to address the flames we send the message to his consciousness that we get it. Hence in the long run we become more like him.